Nightland – kaseta dla C64 i Plus/4

The sun has died and dense darkness flooded the realms, laden with frightening creatures. Only the Fortified Citadel is a safe heaven in this cursed land. But few are welcome within its holy walls: the first who reaches it will find the gates wide open, the others will wander in darkness, forever…

„The Nightland” is a fantasy board game on your Commodore! Roll the die and move the pawns, the computer will guide you through the grim darkness of the land. Experience the events on the board and discover new adventures hidden within the 8-bit code.

Boxed version was available in a glossy small factor cardboard box that included:

  • tape with the game data recorded for two systems: Commodore 64 and Plus/4,
  • game board,
  • 2 wooden pawns,
  • six sided dice,
  • foam insert.

The physical release initial run offered additional content in comparison to the digital version:

  • support for two human players,
  • exclusive loading screen,
  • more random encounters.

Currently, the digital download was upgraded to the release available on our tape.

Art inspired by „The Nightland” by Giuseppe Mangini for RetroMagazine World #15

You can check the digital version of the game at Alessio’s page.


Game and code: Alessio Scanderebech
inspired by the album of Otto Wlazlo and HDK

Loader picture: Raffox

Ozmoo spell: Johan Berntsson and Fredrik Ramsberg

C64 tape loader: Richard Bayliss and Martin Piper
PLUS/4 tape loader: Luca/FIRE and Basman

Art: William McAusland and Tithi Luadthong

Polaris font: Damien Guard Anna Maria e Giorgio.

HDK 32 † THE NIGHTLAND album is available at